Friday, December 18, 2009


Well I have done research about my game The Branch Game.The game is based on Our Courts and The First admenment.The game is about basketball and this social studeies information that I research will help me with my game because my game is on the two thing I mentioned above.This game deals with Socil Studeis alot.In my research I learned what the the above things mostly incude like Plantiff and Defindent.The freedom of speech and lots of other thing.I mosly done research on the Freedom of Speech thing and watched videos and all.This info will help me in my game because in my game there will be cases,in these cases this will include questions pop up screens and all.This will be layed out like this you will have the case you read about a student and there prinical.The clue is that this game has alot of freedom of speech.This game deals with courts becuse you will pick which side you are on Plantiff or Defindent.As you can tell this is how my game is related to social studies.This research will help me alot in the long run.I have learned alot by reserching.

Monday, December 14, 2009

American History Abraham Lincoln

As a young man, Abraham Lincoln went to war a captain and returned a private. Afterwards, he was a failure as a business man. As a lawyer in Springfield, he was too impractical and temperamental to be a success. He turned to politics and was defeated in his first try for the legislature, again defeated in his first attempt to be nominated for congress, defeated in his application to be commissioner of the General Land Office, defeated in the senatorial election of 1854, defeated in his efforts for the vice-presidency in 1856, and defeated in the senatorial election of 1858. At about that time, he wrote in a letter to a friend, "I am now the most miserable man living. If what I feel were equally distributed to the whole human family, there would not be one cheerful face on the earth."Abraham Lincoln was a man who kept on trying and didn't give up.He knew that he would achieve sucess.Abraham was our 16th president of the United States Of America.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Friday, December 4, 2009


Well I have really liked these units they are very fun.Well the Adding animation wasn't all that hard I used animation to make a basket ball move in my game on the court.Well adding sound I have done a little of it but so far I haven't used it in my game but I am plannning on putting like the score borad sound when it runs out of time.I am also planning on putting like the audance cheering for the playes.So far this game hasn't been all that hard what confuses me is the key frames I do not like them.They totally confuse me.They are the harest thing for me to do.Besides that this all comes easy to me if I didnt watch the tuttotials then I wouldn't know how to do any of it they really help me.I think that this unit would really be way more diffucilt if we didn't have Mr.Barker because she knows alot about Globoloria probally way more than I will ever know

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Flipflops becoming a LAW!!!!!!!!!!!

Well here in West Virginia students are not allowed to wear flipfops to there school.I think that this should become and admenment that we are allowed to wear flipflops because the way that I see it is that, if you wear them it should be your choice.They say that people get there toes stepped on and there feet hurt and all this junk.Well that is the chance that you take when you wear them.I mean wearing tinnis shoes when it is 80 and 90 digrees out side is a little crazy I think.Well flipfops should become a admenment beacuse they express you by the kind of shoes you like to saying this I have the right of opinion,and
freedom of speech.I know my opinion is not going to mean a thing I am only a kid.Well this is wroth a try so please senator could you help with this sitution.I mean we have enough rules in schools,school isn't school any more it is turning into more of a prism for students.So please help enforce this as a law.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Adding Navigation

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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Drawing in Flash

Well I'm just about finished with the drawing in flash unit.Well I liked it but I think that it was a little confusing.So far so good.Well the tools drawing in flash unit was really easy for me to use such as the shapes where you like out lined the object that you was using such as a oval with and oval you could tale it and put it around a basketball and make it a perfect circle.The pincal was hard I never could get it right in the basketball line it seemed I always went out of the lines some way some how.Well the little line that you click on that made your lines kinda rounded at the ends really helped me.Well the paint brush that does not help me.I would just much rather use the paint buscket and go over the while basket ball ornge and the take the paint brush and just do the basketball lines.Well the propities and things like that I am pretty good with me.Like changing the font to bold or itlized or tha font color that was simple.Well drawing in flash was a really exicating unit for me but drawing in flash is really hard for mr to understand.I know nothing about computors or flash so I am hoping I am gonna learn more about both of them.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Swine Flu H1 N1

Joe Manson,
Well I know that swine flu is a very bad thing ,but now we have a vaccine and and medicines to cure people who have the swine flu now.Swine Flu is not a global issue and I think that lots of people are wearing it out.I think that there way to worried about nothing.Well there is some ricks that you should still care for.I mean you should still try to be germ free and try to wash your hands and things like that.I mean I can understand if there is a person that has ashame and they are worried about swine flu because if swine flu and ashame mixes in a person lungs there is a possibility that they could die.I would be worried to ,but I mean if you even cough,or sneeze now days people says she has the swine flu stay away from here.That is really getting on my nerves.I am just very sick of people they are thinking swine flu is something its not.I think they've just gone way to far with this swine flu junk.Theres a cure for it when you have it doctores keep you home until your not contagious any more .
Sincerly ,
Heather Dawn Vance

Friday, October 30, 2009

What I've learned

Well I have finally finished the unit.I did my paperprototyping and recorded it.This unit has been very interesting beacuse Abby Taylor came here and talked to us.This class is really learning because I learn more and more every day.I have leared that there is a basket ball cout in the supreme court.That was amazing because my game is on basketball and the Judical branch of goverment.The judical branch of goverment deals with the courts like the supreme court.I have really leared alot. I leared that the first admenment deals with students rights for example freedom of speech.My game is going very well so far I think that the people who play this game will really learn alot.They will mostly learn about the first admenment.There will be two cases on my game and the cases are dealing with the principal and the student Cassy.I have learned alot so far and I am really looking forward to learning more.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am finally finished with my paperprototying.I have learned alot in this unit.I learned what the first admenment included such as (Freedom of speech) things like that.I also learned what plandiff and defindent meant.Plandiff means the one who filed the case.Defindent means the one person that the filer filed againt.(Example)-Lets say Mr.Cambpell told me that I couldn't wear my favorite country music artist shirt.So I take him to court I am the Plantiff and Mr.Cambpell is the defindent.I liked this unit mostly because Aby Taylor came here to Sandy River to talk to the Globaloria students .She works for Sandra O'Connor which they both are part of the Supreme court.As you can tell my game is on basket ball.Aby Taylor told me that there was a basket ball court in the Supreme Court that really shocked me.The thing that i got really confused with was when my game was turning into a quiz game and that was begging to agervate me.Aby Taylor and the two people from New York City was the ones who helped me get my game back strigted up.They gave me some advice about Civivcs epecially Aby Taylor.They told us that there is a compition that students can enter that is in Globaloria and every one that pretisapates will be given something everyone will me given a a letter from our govener Mr.Joe Manshone.That is also interesting to me.Well this unit has been very fun and exicating.I have learned alot in this unit.I enjoyed this alot.I am looking forward to the next unit.I loved Aby Taylor's games I really liked supreme decision the most tough.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My Game

Well my game is going great so far I am almost finished with drawing it out on paper it.My games's topic is basketball.Well my game is related to civics because it is on the three branches of goverment mainly the judical branch though.When playing my game ,kids in 5th and 6th grade level will learn a litlle more about the goverment and how it works.They will mainly learn how the judical branch works by being asked questions.For example they will be asked a question some thing like this one,What type of court does the judical branch handle.Well the way I am putting this it sounds like this game is gonna be all learning and know fun.But it's not, it will be a basket ball game and each team(PLAYER) will be asked a question and the question will be based on the (JUDICAL BRANCH OF GOVERMENT).That is how the kids will learn more about civics.My game fits in the Function part of civics knowledge framework.It fits in this part beacuse it is based on the three branches of goverment.Function means how the goverment works.As me and you know the Judical branch makes the laws.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Freedom of Speech

Well Freedom of Speech means alot.I think that you should me able to say what you want when you want but only to a limit.There is lots of restrictions tough when it comes to school.I mean there is a limit what you can wear to school.I like that kids isn't allowed to wear shorty shorts and shirts with bad things on them.I mean shorty shorts are not ment for school I don't think beacuse I think they show to much.So I truly agree with that rule.Shrits with bad things on them what I mean by that is I don't think students schould be allowed to wear shirts with cuss words,dirty pictures ,or drugs and achol on them.So that is another rule I truly agree with .There is two rules that I dislike tough I hate the rule know flipflops and tanktops.My opinion is I see nothing at all wrong with flipflops.I know Mr.Campbell thinks that people was getting there feet hurt in them.I think that is just the chance you take and if students wated to wear flipflops I would see nothing wrong with that.Tanktops I see nothing wrong with tanktops eather I mean as long as nothing is showing I don't see why we can't wear them.Well lets say Mr.Campwell comes up to me and says I forbid you to wear that Trace Adkins bad t-shirt tomorrow.That's my favorite shirt I say and I say I don't understand why I can't wear it beacuse it doesn't have anything bad on it .I say I have the right Mr.Campbell to wear my t-shirt it is in the first addmenment.That you are allowed to express your self.That t-shirt is my favorite shirt and in tells the kind of music I like to listen to.Which mean it expresses me.Now I am gonna tell you a little thing about locker search.Let's say a student goes and tells Mr.Campbell that I have drugs in my locker and he says I am gonna go search it well I could under stand that that gives Mr.Campbell a reason.Now lets say Mr.Campbell comes up to me and says Heather I need to search your locker and I say why and he says know reason then I don't think that would be acceptable.I truly understand that there is clothing rules in school and we have to follow them.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Imanging your game Unit

I enjoyed the Imanging your game unit.I learned how to do text boxes on flash.My games title is gonna be called The Branch Game.The Branch game is gonna be fun and learning to.It is gonna teach you about the three brances of goverment.It is also gonna be fun because you are gonna be playing basket ball while they are learning.How you are gonna learn is when the game begins one team will be picked to anser a question.The question the team will be asked will be based on the Judical Branch of goverment.If that team gets the question right they will get to take the ball out.If the team gets the anser wrong the other team will be chosen to take the ball out.Once the ball is took out the first team to get ten points will win.They will win another Judical Branch question.If they get it wrong like I said before the other team gets to take it out.There will be three levels.First level first team to ten wins,Second level first team to get ten points,Third level first team to ten again.All the points will add up to thirty points.I plan for the game to look real like it is a real life basket ball game.I want the (SIX) players on each team to look like they are really running up and down the basketball court.They will really be shooting and they will have a scoreboard to keep up with there points.The back ground on my game will look just like a basketball court.I can't wait to design this game and so far I think Globoraloria is goning great.I am learning alot and I have a really good teacher Mrs.I Barker she seems to know alot about all of this stuff.I really learned alot in the Imanging your game unit.

Monday, October 5, 2009

What can I do

Well for some people sports is all they know.They never take time to study or do there home work.But not any more that is gonna change.The game I am gonna be designing is gonna be about basketball but it is also gonna be about the three branches of goverment.Don't get me wrong I love to play basketball,but when it comes to my school work I have to study and forget basketball sometimes.I am hoping to get to design a game about basketball.So there for I want to make it about the three branches of goverment so it dont make studying so boaring.I know learning can be very boaring so I am gonna try to make it a little bit funnier.I am going to make a basketball game.The game is gonna be based on the three branches of government, but mostly the Judical Branch.It is gonna be on life Stimlation Topic it is gonna be similar to the Dalfur is Dying game.The games background is gonna look like a basket ball court.The game is goona be sit up like this you have to use the arrow keys and the mouse and the space bar.This is how the branch game works.There is gonna be two teams of players.The players are really gonna be running and playing basketball.The first team to get ten pionts wins.When a team wins they win a Judical Branch question such as a civic question.They must have ten points before they get to anwser this question.Well if your team gets the question right they get to take the ball out if they get it wrong then the other team gets to take it out.Well once they take it out the game will begin again.When one team hits thirty points the game over.There will be a score board that keeps up with your score.To keep up with your points.When you make a basket it will atomatically keep your points. This is how I plan to make my game.I hope it works out and I would say it will if it is left up to Mr.Barker to help me I am so ready to design this game.I am gonna make the game like a 5th 6th grade leval so that kids that is in 5th and 6th grade will understand.I am think of s questions that i needed help with last year whan I was in 6th grade mabe these questions will help them.I really think The Branch game will help students with there schooling because I know last year if I would of had a game like this one to play it would of helped me alot.In this game the questions that the teams will be asked will be some questions that I needed help with last year.The questions will be 5th and 6th grade level questions.

Monday, September 28, 2009

How Globoria has Been So Far For Me

Globoria has been great so far for me.I find it fascinating that only a few students get to take this class and I am one of them.I also love where we get to have our own profile like our own personal space on thw wiki i think that is very neat.I have learned a litte about flash which I think is very cool.I love how we make the carrotMC move and I can't wait to do more on flash.We will soon be making the bunny eat the carrotMC.I can't wait.Well once we did Playing to Learn Unit we had to write a review on Choosing a Topic unit.Which means I played twelve games on the Playing to learn unit,and then. I chose my two favorites and wrote reviews on them my two favorites where September 12,and Dalfur is Dying.I loved these games because I love the September 12 game becacse it gives you a really good ideal of what happens in war.I 'm really interested in like in things that happend in war so that game really amused me.I liked Dalfur is Dying because it kinda gives you a little showing of how things happen in the real world.What I mean by that is that it tells and shows you that not only kinds can get kidnappend but adults get kidnapped too.It also shows you that surival can be hard when everthing isn't always given to you.It shows that in the wild you have to find your own food water and every thing with out getting killed.Well I have loved Globoria so far and I think it will get more fun.I love the my teacher Mre.Barker I think she really knows her stuff when it comes to this class.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Internet Rights and Responsibilities

I am going to be talking about internet safety.There is good ways to use internet and there is bad ways.Well you have to make yourself safe when using internet.When using internet you should not let people know your personal information.When using social networks such as myspace,or facebook you should not talk to any strangers.You should only talk to people you know.The internet can be very dangerous if you make it to be such as you give your phone number out,what age you are,what city you live in,what you look like,what school you go to.There is some examples you don't give none of your personal information out on the internet to any one.When you give these things out you are not keeping your self safe on the internet.Internet is as safe as you make it to be. The internet is very safe when you don't give no personal information out.You have right on the computer.There is certain things you are allowed to do and certain things you are not allowed to do.Like when at school you are not allowed to get on any social networks.You are not allowed on the internet with out having premission.So there for rights come with responsibilities. Rights come with Responsibilities.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Do rights come with responsibilities

In america we have the feedom of speech.So if I could make our school dress code,I would make it to where all the students could have there own choice.I know that there is a thing about going to far.So I would make it so that the students could wear what they wanted it would just have to be appropriate.I would make it legal that they could wear tank tops because I dont think that it shows any thing. I would also make it so they could wear flip flops.I think that if another student did not like my idea that him/her should be able to express there ideas too.I know that rights come with responsibilities.I am responsible to be a good citizen.I know that there ia a limit to free speech at school.So if the principal did not like my ideal then I would just hae to accept that.I know I don't run Sandy River and I'm not the one who is over the dress code so if Mr.Camble doesn't like my ideal thats ok I guess it was worth a try.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What I am exicated and scared about,and what kind of game I plan to make

In Globaloria I hope to make my own game i hope to make a game about basket ball.

I want to make it so when you play it you have to get liend up where you want the ball using the arrows then when you are ready to shoot you push the enter key and the ball will shoot.I am scared that I won't know how to do things.I don't relly know all that much about computors any how, and now I am gonna be making games on them so yeah I am really scard. I am so exicated to make a game with my group.I wanna make a basket ball game really bad.