I am going to be talking about internet safety.There is good ways to use internet and there is bad ways.Well you have to make yourself safe when using internet.When using internet you should not let people know your personal information.When using social networks such as myspace,or facebook you should not talk to any strangers.You should only talk to people you know.The internet can be very dangerous if you make it to be such as you give your phone number out,what age you are,what city you live in,what you look like,what school you go to.There is some examples you don't give none of your personal information out on the internet to any one.When you give these things out you are not keeping your self safe on the internet.Internet is as safe as you make it to be. The internet is very safe when you don't give no personal information out.You have right on the computer.There is certain things you are allowed to do and certain things you are not allowed to do.Like when at school you are not allowed to get on any social networks.You are not allowed on the internet with out having premission.So there for rights come with responsibilities. Rights come with Responsibilities.
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