Thursday, November 12, 2009

Drawing in Flash

Well I'm just about finished with the drawing in flash unit.Well I liked it but I think that it was a little confusing.So far so good.Well the tools drawing in flash unit was really easy for me to use such as the shapes where you like out lined the object that you was using such as a oval with and oval you could tale it and put it around a basketball and make it a perfect circle.The pincal was hard I never could get it right in the basketball line it seemed I always went out of the lines some way some how.Well the little line that you click on that made your lines kinda rounded at the ends really helped me.Well the paint brush that does not help me.I would just much rather use the paint buscket and go over the while basket ball ornge and the take the paint brush and just do the basketball lines.Well the propities and things like that I am pretty good with me.Like changing the font to bold or itlized or tha font color that was simple.Well drawing in flash was a really exicating unit for me but drawing in flash is really hard for mr to understand.I know nothing about computors or flash so I am hoping I am gonna learn more about both of them.

1 comment:

  1. Heather,
    You have started well with drawing in Flash unit. Keep up the good job and keep on watching and reading tutorials as they will help you a lot in your learning!
