Monday, November 9, 2009

Swine Flu H1 N1

Joe Manson,
Well I know that swine flu is a very bad thing ,but now we have a vaccine and and medicines to cure people who have the swine flu now.Swine Flu is not a global issue and I think that lots of people are wearing it out.I think that there way to worried about nothing.Well there is some ricks that you should still care for.I mean you should still try to be germ free and try to wash your hands and things like that.I mean I can understand if there is a person that has ashame and they are worried about swine flu because if swine flu and ashame mixes in a person lungs there is a possibility that they could die.I would be worried to ,but I mean if you even cough,or sneeze now days people says she has the swine flu stay away from here.That is really getting on my nerves.I am just very sick of people they are thinking swine flu is something its not.I think they've just gone way to far with this swine flu junk.Theres a cure for it when you have it doctores keep you home until your not contagious any more .
Sincerly ,
Heather Dawn Vance

1 comment:

  1. Good post, Heather! Start working on your Adding Interaction unit- watch tutorials about the new topic!
