Friday, March 5, 2010

Game presentations

Well around two weeks ago my team presented our game presentation.I think it went very well and I got alot of advice from David and Rachial .They really helped me relize what I needed to improve on my game.A while ago when David and Rachial game here to Sandy River they told me that there was an actul basketball court in the Supreme Court.So that helped me out with my game becasue I needed some more resoures to help me.Well the suggestions that they told me I plan on adding to my game and chaning some things in my game.They told me that I should use real life cases with my game that students and there schools have went to court about.So I plan on doing that.They also said insted of just having a basketball player I should have the judge be the one to be playing.I also plan on doing this.Well our games have to be done in a little while as you can tell.In May is the big day for everyone.So this helps me relize that I have alot to do before that gets here.These things that I have listed above I plan on getting done before the big day.Well yeah I planned on doing on doing a little more like having five or six cases but I narrowed in down becasu that is alot to do in the time I have.I will probally only do two or three now because I have to do all the researching on the real life cases.I am focusing mainly on the first admenment in my game.It deals with the first admenment and freedom of specch which is the two big things that my game consist of.The reserch that I am most focused and plan on doing is the research about the real life cases and reading the first and admenments and making sure i know what I am taking about.Well as you know my game's name is the Branch Game and this doesn't really fit in with a basket ball game so I think we have decided fore our new name to be Supreme Basketball.I chose this name becasue our game is about basketball and there is a basket ball court in the Supreme Court .Well I really think that these game presentations helped me relize how soon the big day is going to be here .So I really appreciate the help and suggestions that they gave me.


  1. Heather,
    You have reflected a lot on what you have learned from your demo presentations. I really like the new name for your game as it reflects the essence of your topic. It's great that you will concentrate on the first amendment and will choose two or three cases to research as this will be enough to build the learning aspect of the game. As Globaloria team has noted before, there usually are no strictly right or wrong answers, so you have to read about PRECEDENTS and how the cases are ruled to be able to guide the players in their decisions.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Hello Heather. This sounds like it will be a very great game. I'm excited to see your finished game. Good luck.

  3. This game sounds rather interesting. keep up the hard work
