Monday, March 1, 2010


My name is Heather Vance.My teams name is tigers.The name of my game is The Branch Game.My game fits into the Function part.It fits in this categolory because it envolves the Three Branches of Goverment.It is mostly based on the Judical Branch.The judical branch of goverment comes in my game when your cases begin. The cases deal with the bill of rights.The bill of rights is inclued in the Judical Branch of goverment.My game cases is going to be based on the first admenment the first admenment includes the freedom of speech and and expess your self.In the game you must pick whom side you want to be on plantiff or defindent.


  1. Good game topic(three branches). Thats what my teams topic is. Keep up the good work.

  2. Yeah.... In your groups game are you just coming up with one case or a bunch of them? :D
