Today I will tell you about another game in the functions frame work.Theis game is called the three branches and there team is the cheese wizirds.This game was created by Jeremy and Andrew they go to GEHS.I have plyed there game and it looks like to me that it is like a questions so far and it asks you questions that you anser about the bill of right for instane here is one I read.Which bill is it that you can change the driving age to 19.Here are your options public bill,private bill orregular bill.The anser would be public bill if you get the anser right you get to move on to another question.I have watched there paperprototype on viddler and I have also played ther game demo.It showed on the paperprotype that you will pick a character eather fred or bill.I saw that on the game demo.Which I think was very neat.It also shows on the demo that eather fred or bill will get to drive a car and the player will watch for the opticals.I did not see that on there demo.I think that they have alot accomplished and they have did alot that they said they were going to do on there paperprototype all i see that I think that would be really neat is driving the car and watching out for the opticals.I think that is what makes the game very interresting.I see that they have made anything expect for what they said they were going to do on there paperprototype.I think thats ggod because thay have something to go by and dont keep on changing there minds.Well the only thing that I suggest is that they get a car on there and get it up and moving like they said.But I really think there game will be fun and interresting I cant wait to play it.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Another Game
Today I am going to tell you about another game that is in the function part of frame work which is the same as ours.The game I am going to be telling you about is called The American Choice.The Teams name is Super Squirrel Alpha Beta.The people who are creating this game names are Nick and Matthew they attend school at Greenbrier East High School.Now I am going to tell you why I think that this game is going to fit in the function part of framework.In this game you will lead your own election by fixing out opinions of the political parties.You will also learn the entire process in the election in general.So what this game is going to do is tell and teach you how to vote you will have facts and things like that to guide you through it.This game is going to tell you how to vote what you and how old you have to be to vote.How many days and time you have until the election.So this is mainly a game that will teach you how the election works how to vote and things like that.I think this game will be very intresting once its done.There game demo is very good it gives you a great ideal of how there game is going to be.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
My game
Well my name is Heather and my partner name is Cassy.Well my game is going along good but its just keep getting harder I think.It's like we keep on adding more things.The more we add the longer its going to take so the other day Mrs.Barker made us sit down with our partners and do a game pitch.A game pitch is where you put exactly what you want and no more narrow your game down.Me and Cassy put excatly what we wanted which was the Supreme basketball game.Well in our game you will be play the game this is how you will play.You will have court cases and those court cases will be a little somethimg like this one.Cassy goes to school with her favorite rap singer t-shirt on.She knows Mr.Campbell doesn't allow these t-shits.So when she gets there he asks her tpo change she rufuses so he calls her mom and has a conferenace her mom still thinks hes wrong and shes right so she takes him to court.Thats how the court case will go.Ok then after the player reads the case they will be walking to the basketball court from the out side.So as they are walking on to the court there will be facts that pop up about the amenments to that they can decieded who side they want to be on.Mrcampbell or Cassy there will be no right or wrong anser.You will learn from the facts about the first admenment which includes the freedom of speech and freedom of expression.The facts is what you will learn aout becase you cant have a right or wrong anser.This is how my game fits in the functio part because it deal with the first admenment.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Function Blog
I am in the group called the Tigers and my Games name is Supreme baketball.My name is Heather Vance and my partners is Cassie Mcpeak.We go to Sandy River our game is in function part of framework.In this blog I will be telling you the different duties of the presidential cabinet are.First I am going to be talking about the Secretary of State.The security of state is duties of this office depend on the constitution and laws of the particular state,but they often include responsibility for overseeing elections within the states.On January 21, 2009, Hillary Rodham Clinton was sworn in as the 67th Secretary of State of the United States.Now I am going to tell you about the Secretary of the Treasury.The secretary of treasury incluedes security and defense,finance ministers,law enforcement agencies,and the secret service.Next I am going to tell you about the Secretary of Defence.The Sectetary of Defense is armed services and military matters mainly.This position roughly corresponds to Minister of defense in other countries.The role of the Secretary of Defense is to be the principal defense policy advisor to the President and is responsible for the formulation of general defense policy related to all matters of direct and primary concern to the DoD, and for the execution of approved policy.Finally I am going to be telling you about Attorney General.The Attorney General is common law jurisdictions, the attorney general, or attorney-general, is the main legal advisor to the government, and in some jurisdictions he or she may in addition have executive responsibility for law enforcement or responsibility for public prosecutions.Each position is appointed by the president. Which in the U.S. the one who would appoint these positions would be Barack Obama.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Game presentations
Well around two weeks ago my team presented our game presentation.I think it went very well and I got alot of advice from David and Rachial .They really helped me relize what I needed to improve on my game.A while ago when David and Rachial game here to Sandy River they told me that there was an actul basketball court in the Supreme Court.So that helped me out with my game becasue I needed some more resoures to help me.Well the suggestions that they told me I plan on adding to my game and chaning some things in my game.They told me that I should use real life cases with my game that students and there schools have went to court about.So I plan on doing that.They also said insted of just having a basketball player I should have the judge be the one to be playing.I also plan on doing this.Well our games have to be done in a little while as you can tell.In May is the big day for everyone.So this helps me relize that I have alot to do before that gets here.These things that I have listed above I plan on getting done before the big day.Well yeah I planned on doing on doing a little more like having five or six cases but I narrowed in down becasu that is alot to do in the time I have.I will probally only do two or three now because I have to do all the researching on the real life cases.I am focusing mainly on the first admenment in my game.It deals with the first admenment and freedom of specch which is the two big things that my game consist of.The reserch that I am most focused and plan on doing is the research about the real life cases and reading the first and admenments and making sure i know what I am taking about.Well as you know my game's name is the Branch Game and this doesn't really fit in with a basket ball game so I think we have decided fore our new name to be Supreme Basketball.I chose this name becasue our game is about basketball and there is a basket ball court in the Supreme Court .Well I really think that these game presentations helped me relize how soon the big day is going to be here .So I really appreciate the help and suggestions that they gave me.
Monday, March 1, 2010
My name is Heather Vance.My teams name is tigers.The name of my game is The Branch Game.My game fits into the Function part.It fits in this categolory because it envolves the Three Branches of Goverment.It is mostly based on the Judical Branch.The judical branch of goverment comes in my game when your cases begin. The cases deal with the bill of rights.The bill of rights is inclued in the Judical Branch of goverment.My game cases is going to be based on the first admenment the first admenment includes the freedom of speech and and expess your self.In the game you must pick whom side you want to be on plantiff or defindent.
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