Monday, April 11, 2011


At the beginning of the year my game was alot different then it is now.I have changed my mind alot.My game was alot more advanced but with the time we have left there isn't enough time to do all these things.My game is still 8th grade level it is just a little similer.My game used to be quiz,there was going to be many levels,and it was also planned to be more players than two.
My game used to be a question and answer type deal but they said that this was not allowed so we had to make alot of changes start out fresh again.We was going to have a precent and then the player have to type the correct conversion in text box.Now we made it to where there is a fraction on the top and the player has to take the football throw it and hit the correct answer.
We was planning for our game to be having 5 levels but there is alot of action to these levels so we made it 3.There are so much action on each play scene there wouldnt be enough time to make it they way we planned.
This game was going to have an entire football team on it when i 1st began thinking about my game but when you have to bit map all this it takes time.There was no need to even have that many people on there .The two players that is on this game gives the audience a multiple choice of players so they can know who they want to be.
When you begin thinking of your games at the start of they year you don't think first before you write.It is alot harder and alot more time consuming than you think.My game is alot different now but i think it is alot funner than i had planned on it being.It is not quizey at all.

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