Friday, September 3, 2010


Well I played the game what would you do and it was a Adventure game.This game was pretty fun to play like you get to pick a chracter then you get to name your charcaters.It also has alot of text that you have to read when you're choosing your answers.There picture explains what there talking about and helps you to get a better ideal oh what your talking about.When i make a game i would like to make i like this beacuse the way it is set up is reallu neat like it takes you to other links that yu can evern learn more.There is tons of learning invovled in these types of games and thats what we want to do is help people to learn .So when i decided to make my game it is gonna be an anventure grene,me and my partner is going to have to alot of work and use alot of imation to get this game to work put the way where hoping.

1 comment:

  1. hey, im Alyson. Im in Mr.Lesters class, and he partnered me up with you. This is a very good blog, I have to comment on atleast 1 blog, a week. so I commented on this one.
