Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Well as you know game presations are here almost we only have one or two days to get what we need to get done.Well my game is almost done I musr say I do't like alot.The oly thing that I like is the score board and my partner cassie is suppost do be working on that.Well I had planed on having a player really shooting a basketball insted of draging the all to the goal.But once I had got everything ealse finished I had no time left.Well how I decidedwhat to code and how to scrap.I took my game and I sit down and thought it through and I realized that there was only enough time to get what I actually must have funicionally and working.So what I did was I knew what I had to have and what I didnt have to have and thats what I scraped and coded.I think that what I have is fully funicional and thats all that the game can have as of right now.If I had the time I would take the draging the basketball and turn it in to a baketball player shooting a basketball.But there is hardly anytime left for that so I must keep it the way it is .So for now I must keep it this way because I have no more time left to add this and expecially with the basketball shooting because it takes alot of action and alot of tutiols to learn how to do this.So mabe next year I can get better at this Flash and add this to my game next year.

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