Here in Globaloria class we have did alot of researching.I have searched alot of websites and reead alot.I think that it is better to use three of four differts sources like don't just go read on one website and expect that to be the only website that there is to go to .There is also people you can talk to and dicuss what you need help with.You could also read books.When I am researching and getting imformation I always use other sources.I don't just use one sorurce.I like to have alot of imformation.I don't always use what i find first and be done with it.When you are reserching it is am impotant thing in school and teachers want to see what you found and where you looked so thats what helps you when you use different resources the teachers get to give you more credit.When I am working in gloaloria class sometimes if i don't undeerstand something abou civics I will ask my social studies teach. I also sometimes watch videos on civics so i j=understand more.So all i would suggest to other students is use all there resources before writing an anser.How would you know if it was right if you didn't go through some websites.You can't know if it's true if you don't use differt resoures.And odds are if the same thing is on a few websites then it will be right.I normally use wikipedia because wiki ansers doesn't get checked before being posted to see if it is right.I trust wikipeida.Belive what site that gets checked before deing posted
ReplyDeleteIt's good that you do research before you start forming an opinion on an issue. With so many news resources out there, it is hard to navigate through the maze of various opinions and be able to form your own without running the danger of being influenced by somebody else' views.
Keep on using a variety of resources and venture into checking out something else besides Wikipedia- there are great news websites out there that could help you be knowledgeable about different issues.