Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Spare Time

Well as you know game demos are over and if i had more time.The only thing I would add would be a bonus level and make it more challenging and hard for the player.What i mean by bonus level is where you have the Decimal man scene or percent ,deciaml scene.This is where the fractions scroll acoss the screen i would like to add like twenty more fractions so that it would be harder to hit the correct one.The fractions should get harder to.

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Team

Well this year we have got alot of accomplishments done and i could never have made this game without Roger.He has done alot and if I had to give him a grade I would give him a 100%.He has made the hit test and alot of the action.The footballs and the bonus level is what he has been working on and he has done a great job at working on this.I made all the text ,some of the grapics,and a few buttons.Roger has been the one to get us through this he has worked really hard to get everything working correctly.Our game is alomost finised the entire game has alot of detailed actons in it .It is really challenging.The only thing that we have not got finished is the bonus level.If i had to give myself a grade i would say and 75 or 80%.I did alot to get our game started at the beginning and then i just let Roger do most of the rest because he is a boy and knows alot more about the football part of the game.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Almost Finished

My game is almost finished but we have to enter the fractions to the boxes.We are going to have to go online and get fractions that are 8th grade level.These fractions are going to have to be a challange to the player .We already have the hit test working on the four levels so when we get the fractions onto the game we will be finished for good.When we get this game accomplished we need to do some touch ups like spell check and stuff make sure everything is functionally.