Thursday, March 31, 2011

working toward the end

As you know we don't have much more time to work on our games the time is running out.So ,yesterday in class the students in our class got to see how all the other games where coming along.We go to write tw positive facts and one improvement they needed to make.

First,they told us our graphics where good andthey liked the colors.We have the purple black and silver colors such as font and loading scene.Our game represents the big high school that we will be going to next year River View.

Next they said the liked our hit test and they worked well me and my partner Roger have worked to get them to work correctly.You can move Austin and Dustin to the right fraction and then the game will take you to the football field and you will get to make a touchdown.The actions for the hit test are a little confusing most struggle to get them to work and we seem to get through it with the help of others.

Finally,they said we needed to get the knowledge in our game well that is in progress right now of being finished we had to wait until last because the action scripts and things had to be written first for the hit test.But the fractions are being put in the boxes right now and the next time you preview our game you will see the learning part

I know the next few weeks are going to be hard but i know i can work through it and get it done.By spring break which is three weeks away me and my partner a wanting to be finished with our games have the wraaped up that way the week after west test we will be ready to go and show our achievments .

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Well as you know the school year is comig to and end soon.Which means globaloria students game demos isn't far off.We have to get it in gear,theres no time to waste.Our game is 3/4 finished we need to add a few more incorrect and correct scenes.Get the fractions going and this game will be about wrapped up.We have only another 9 weeks of school left and its all over it will be time to show our accomplishments that we have made this 2010 and 2011 year.I will use my time from here on out as well as possible.It will be nothing but game.I think this game will be a sucess for me and my partner.We have workrd really hard on this and we will be finishig it very soon.We have struggled some throughout the year but we always had people to helpp us get back on track.From here on out we will be wrapping up raders equations and getting everything ready for the big day!!We don't like alot so we should be fine with our time we have left.

Friday, March 18, 2011


Raiders Equations
Team: Rock stars
Group Members: Roger Bolen & Heather Vance
Lets’ get started this week I would have to say we have met a lot of goals and you will find out about them. Me and Roger have got all buttons working, both Austin and Dustin scenes functionally and hit test working .This wasn’t all that hard we met our goals and we are sitting more for ourselves. We have struggled and we some home worked to succeed and work together.
First, let’s talk about our buttons. We have a lot of buttons in our games as you can tell but last time our game was played there was some that wasn’t working. We turned all these into fully working buttons and added some more .We added some animation buttons which move around the screen. There will soon be fractions put into these and we will have to have a hit test and some more things to make the game run correctly.
Next, let’s talk about the Austin and Dustin scenes .We now have our players moving by arrow keys and you can choose which ever player you want and play the game. These players have hit test so you can go to which ever fraction you think if correct and if it is wrong you will get a scene that tells you that you are incorrect.
Finally, let’s talk about the hit test. We have used a lot of these in our game and these are probably one of the hardest things to get to work .But we managed to work to together to meet our goals .On both player scenes you will have hit test so that when you hit the correct or incorrect fraction you will know that you are wrong or right. These hit test have a lot of action to them so they are the hardest to get working because if one little thing is off it messes everything up.
Well, now I have told you about our game and what goals we have meet. As you can tell our game is going great and coming along well now. We are now meeting new goals and that will be to get the touchdown working and the correct and incorrect scenes so that the game will be getting finished very soon. We don’t have much longer left so now it is time to start rapping things up and getting what we need done. Our game is going to be very good as soon as we get it done.The newst verzion of may game is uploaded every friday on my team page.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Accomplished Goals

This week we got Football player Austin and Dustin moving around obsticles.The players are able to use the arow keys to move the players on the field.We got all of our buttons working so you can move from scene to scene this is like a little mini game now.So we just have another level or so and we will be there.If you are not for sure how to play this game the help button will really help you out.Converting these fractions are really interresting when you begin to play this game.

Friday, March 4, 2011


This week we got interviewed in Globaloria class and we told Mr.Addair what we was going to get accomplised this week and we told him that we where going to get our players on our football field which are dustin and austin they might even be moving if not this is goin to come along by the start of next week.We are going to add our newest game verison to our team page.